If you are experiencing problems with your spine or joints, such as back pain, neck pain, arthritis, whiplash, strains or sprains, seeking help from a chiropractor might be beneficial for you. You do not need a referral to seek help from a chiropractor.
However, before you get chiropractic treatment, you will need to go through a chiropractic examination. This will ensure that you are able to go on with the treatment and clarify what treatments are needed.
The chiropractor will also need to run through some details with you during the examination. Read this article for more information on what a chiropractic examination involves!
Medical history
The first thing your chiropractor will do in your examination is conduct a check of your medical history. This will help inform them of the potential causes for your injury. It will also inform their treatment and diagnosis.
Along with this, the chiropractor should ask about your specific health problem that you are seeking treatment for.
Inspect your body conditions
Your chiropractic will then inspect your vital signs, such as your body temperature, pulse, breathing rate and blood pressure.
They will also observe if your body has any spinal curves or visible health indicators.
After this visual examination, they will use their hands to feel your spine and the supporting soft tissues in order to gauge the state of your body.
Orthopaedic examination
Orthopaedic examinations are designed to detect health conditions related to the bones, jones, spine, muscles, and soft tissues such as tendons and ligaments.
This particular examination will involve moving your joints and seeing how far they will extend and their range of movement.
Neurological examination
Neurological examinations are designed to assess how well your motor, sensory, and cranial nerves are functioning.
This involves the testing of numbness and your reflexes.
If necessary, your chiropractor can also refer you for another test, such as an x-ray or MRI scan.
Diagnosis and treatment options
After your chiropractor conducts these examinations, they should then have a good idea of how your joints or spine are affected.
They will provide you with a differential diagnosis that includes all the potential causes of your injury, and a working diagnosis with the most likely cause.
After explaining this diagnosis to you, your chiropractor will go through the chiropractic treatments available for your problem and their risks and benefits.
If chiropractic treatment is not appropriate, you will be referred to the right provider of medical care.